Neuroscience | Behavioral Ecology | Sociobiology
Caleb C. Vogt, PhD, Cornell University
I am a Mong Junior Neurotechnology Fellow within the lab of Dr. Michael J. Sheehan and the Brain Computation & Behavior Lab (Dr. Azahara Oliva and Dr. Antonio Fernandez-Ruiz) in the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior at Cornell University. I received a BS in Neuroscience & Evolutionary Anthropology from the University of Michigan, where I completed an honors thesis in the lab of Dr. Brandon Aragona investigating oxytocinergic modulation of striatal dopamine release using fast scan cyclic voltammetry in the monogamous prairie vole, Microtus ochrogaster.
The focus of my PhD research was on territorial and dominance behavior in male house mice and the neurobiology of aggressive motivation during resource defense. I am also interested in broader topics related to the neuroscience of motivation, animal cooperation and conflict, and the synthesis of neuroscience and field biology.
I can be reached via email: ccv26[at] or calebvogt[at]
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